Susan had an outstanding debt with a bank, which was sold to Cabot who took over the recovery and management of the remaining balance owed.
Susan was anxious ahead of her call with Cabot “in case any changes they made would affect [her] ability to comply”. She did not have a positive experience with her original lender. “The bank had not been very supportive and communication had not proved to be the best.”
“Cabot showed empathy and had a genuine interest in how I could pay the debt comfortably”. Susan also quoted that Cabot allowed her to be flexible with terms in case her circumstances changed. After her first contact, Susan felt “at ease and valued”.
Susan paid off her debt within a few years after discussing a plan that suited her and circumstances.
Before Cabot, Susan believed debt was “a bad idea”, but due to illness and sad family circumstances, Susan had little options left, many out of her control. “It caused a lot of anxiety”, Susan reflected. Since dealing with Cabot, Susan’s opinion of the company has changed positively.
“I received excellent and very professional advice throughout”. Since paying off her debt, Susan has been more relieved in life and has “remained debt-free since”.
Her advice to customers starting their Cabot journey is to “always plan ahead”. “If you know you are going to struggle to keep up a payment, tell Cabot ASAP. They are more than happy to find a way to help you, and in a non-judgemental way”.